Journal of Spine Research
Vol.3 No.7 August 2012

1. Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery and Instrumentation Surgery
The Insertion Technique of Percutaneous Pedicle Screw for Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery:The Accurate Placement of Pedicle Screw and Augmentation with Calcium Phosphate Cement in Osteoporotic Spine
Kenji Fukaya, et al
Evaluations of the PMMA in the Vertebral Body after Performing Vertebroplasty with Posterior Instrumentation for Vertebral Collapse of Osteoporotic
Compression Fractures

Ryuta Kono, et al
Spinous Process Plate Fixation in Spine Surgery
Hiroki Hirabayashi, et al
The Maneuver of the PLIF Cages Insertion Like the TLIF Cages
Kiyoshi Yoshihara
2. Cervical Spinal Surgery:Anterior and Posterior Approaches
Outcome of Posterior Atlantoaxial Fixation with the Laminar Screw in the Axis
Shinji Miyoshi, et al
Clinical Experiences of Percutaneous Endoscopic Cervical Discectomy
- Anterior Approach and Posterior Approach -
Fujio Ito, et al
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion(ACDF)Using Rectangular Titanium Cage:Cage Subsidence and Cervical Alignment Toru
Yamagata, et al
Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion for the Patients with Residual Symptoms after Posterior Decompression Surgeries
Yuichiro Nishijima
Correction of Cervical Kyphosis by C7 Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomy
Naohiro Kawamura, et al
3. Unpredictable Complications of Spinal Surgery and Informed Consent
Fatal Complications Following Spinal Surgery
Kei Matsuzaki, et al
C5 Palsy after Thoracolumbar Surgery:Two Case Reports
Yoshihito Mochizuki, et al
Can Neurological Recovery from Compressive Spinal or Radicular Disease by Decompressive Operation be Monitered by Intraoperative Transcranial Motor Evoked Potential?
Satoshi Tanaka, et al
4. Surgical Technique (Video Presentation)
Treatment Experience and Surgical Technique of Interspinous Process
Decompression with the X-STOP®PEEK Implant for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Hogaku Gen, et al
A Successful Case of Total Removal of Spinal Hemangioblastoma in Two Step Operations
Eiichiro Honda, et al
Lateral Approach for Ventral Lesions at the Craniovertebral Junction:
Surgical Indications and Methods

Hidetoshi Ikeda, et al
Is It Really Significant to Preserve an Attachment of the Nuchal Ligament to the Spinous Process in Cervical Laminoplasty?
- Comparative Study of Selective Laminoplasty Between Cases with an Attachment of the Nuchal Ligament Sacrificed and Those Preserved

Ryoma Aoyama,et al
Safe Procedure for Transvertebral Anterior Foraminotomy
Kazunori Shibamoto, et al
Technical Points for Lateral Mass Screw Fixation of the Middle and Lower Cervical Spine
Hiroki Morisako, et al
Prophylactic Bilateral C4/5 Foraminotomy with Open-door Laminoplasty
Does not Cause Postoperative Segmental Instability and Axial Pain

Masayuki Ohashi, et al
Laminoplasty Using Multi-spacer Keishi
Tsunoda, et al
Relationship between Preoperative Symptoms and Surgical Outcomes in Lumbar Spinal Canal Stenosis
Kazuaki Yamada, et al
Simple Oblique Lumbar Magnetic Resonance Imaging of L5 Foraminal and Extraforaminal Stenosis
Sho Kobayashi, et al
Facet Cysts Developing after Hemi-laminotomy of the Lumbar Spine
- An Evaluation of Osteoarthrotic Changes of the Facet Joint on CT Findings

Norihiko. Minami, et al
A Case of the 4th Ventricule-syringo Shunt for the Syringobulbia and the Syringomyelia after Meningitis Keiichi
Akatsuka, et al
Evaluation of Radiation Exposure Dose Affecting Residents Performing Nerve Block Treatment and Myelography.
Atsushi Ikeura, et al
Use of Indocyanine Green Videography for Intraoperative Localization of Spinal Dural Arteriovenous Fistula before Dural Opening
Kazuhiko Ishii, et al
Some New Techniques of Cervical Pedicle Screw Fixation Using Spinal
Navigation System―Viewing Points of Iso-C 3D Navigation―

Takamitsu Tokioka, et al